Saturday, October 10, 2009

A tree full of howler monkeys

Trees in Costa Rica can be full of delights and surprises. Birds, iguanas, monkeys or sloths might be hanging around. When driving on secondary roads or taking a walk though the forests, you should take the time to look up into the trees. Here is an example.

This large tree was a resting place for a group of howler monkeys. This photo illustrates how they travel in extended families of a dozen or so. How many monkeys can you find in this tree? There were more monkeys in this group than you can see in this photo. It is common for groups of monkeys to occupy adjacent trees as they move from tree to tree through the forest, stopping to eat and rest.

Tomorrow and the next few days I will show some closer photos of some of the monkeys in this group.


  1. I count eight sleepy monkeys. I can't imagine looking up in a tree here in Vermont and seeing a monkey ( :

  2. You really have to enlarge this photo to see all the little rascals hiding in the tree.

  3. When I enlarged this I thought I saw nine. Hmmm, could this be? It pays to look up in the trees you could miss them easily. Love the massage on the beach photo from yesterday.

  4. That is so unusual to see! Are they very noisy? Sometimes I think we have howler monkeys in the trees, when the grandkids are over.
