Usually when I show wildlife I try to show exotic, tropical animals such as monkeys, crocodiles and iguanas. But this squirrel is so pretty I had to show a photo of it. There are squirrels like this who hang out in the trees near our Langosta Beach condo.
Squirrel are rodents, of course. 43% of the more than 4,000 species of mammals are rodents. 350 of the 1750 species of rodents are squirrels. My Costa Rican wildlife book, which is the source of this information, comments that rodents are rarely encountered by visitors to Costa Rica, although there are 5 species of squirrels in the country.
I think this is a red-tailed squirrel, judging from his body color, although perhaps he is old and that accounts for his gray head, spine and tail. My book shows red squirrels without the gray coloration.
Here is another thing I learned while doing my reading for this post. The word rodent comes from the Latin rodere, which means "to gnaw." Their sharp teeth enable them to gnaw into nuts and other vegetation, or, in the case of beavers, trees.
The red-tailed squirrels are known locally in Costa Rica as ardilla roja.
We are showing photos of some of the architectural details of Budapest, Hungary, this week on our
Viva la Voyage travel photo site.