Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pablo's machete

This is a photo of the machete of Pablo, the gardener at our Langosta Beach condo. I showed a photo of him a few days ago.

He is responsible for trimming all of the bushes and tending to the gardens around our condo building.

Pablo does not use an electric or gas powered clippers or trimmer. He uses a machete, as you see here, tied around his waist with a rope in a handsome leather sheath. As you shown in this photo, his sheath and machete have gotten a lot of use. It can be tough work, but Pablo keeps a sunny disposition and always has a friendly greeting for the owners and guests at the condo.

Tomorrow I will show a photo of Pablo and his machete in action.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photo on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week we are showing photos of the remoteness of Aitutaki, in the Cook Islands of the South Pacific.


Kate said...

Looks pretty wicked, Dave. I always thought that machetes were much longer (and even more wicked!).

Sharon said...

Primitive tools to keep the jungle in check!

Unknown said...

I've learned the word machete in Costa Rica! :-) I knew this big knife as 'catana', the name they give it in the former portuguese colonies in Africa.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Having seen your garden photos, Pablo may be the most gifted man with a knife on the planet.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Judy said...

Big knife! Doing his work the old way. Nice.

Elettra said...

Pablo's work is hard and tiring, it is less evil that found the machete that will surely solve the many problems

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