Monday, May 30, 2011

Flowers and yellow butterfly

The flower that I showed yesterday is a popular feeding spot for yellow butterflies. They seem especially attracted to it and it is common to see 5 or 6 butterflies all fluttering about the same plant, and the walkway to the beach alongside our Langosta condo has lots of these plants.

Jack from Hartford Daily Photo commented a couple of days ago that he plants some plants at his Florida house that are designed to attract butterflies. My wife, Julie, does the same thing in our Scottsdale house. She selects some plants for the yard that attract butterflies and others to attract hummingbirds.

Today is Memorial Day in the USA, and the Monday holiday falls on May 30, the traditional date for Memorial Day. It was also the birthday of my late father, who as a child had the treat of always having parades on his birthday. Memorial Day is a fitting day for his birthday, as he gave up his defense plant draft deferment at the beginning of World War II and volunteered for the Navy, served in the South Pacific during World War II, remained a naval officer for 20 years. He then worked for the same aerospace company for nearly 30 years. Not many people today have only two employers for 50 years.

On our Viva la Voyage travel photo site this week we are showing wildlife and scenery from the Serengeti Plain in Tanzania.


  1. A beautiful photo and an equally beautiful memorial to your father who was always a joy to visit with.

  2. Butterfly the color of butter! So pretty. I have planted flowers to attract them in my yard too and always enjoy watching them flit about.

  3. If I were a butterfly, I would happily hang around this plant.

    Nice remembrance of your father.

  4. I really enjoyed this series, David! Wonderful shots and colours too.
