Monday, July 11, 2011

Langosta Beach at high tide

This is a photo of Langosta beach at high tide. There is still enough room to walk along the trees and bushes that line the sand, although there are a few spots where you need to time your steps with the receding waves or to walk up through the trees.

We love to walk along Langosta beach. It is quiet and uncrowded because this is a residential area. The first 50 meters of all beaches in Costa Rica are public property so we can walk up and down the beach without worrying that any one owning beachfront property will object or will cut off access.

We are showing photos of Chicago this week on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. a gorgeous image, dave. this looks idyllic.

  2. I checked yesterday next CDP theme day: postcard-worth. This one could be the winner. So beautiful.

  3. I can feel the hard-packed sand under my feet. Terrific image.

  4. This shot makes the beach look so appealing. I agree with Irina, this is a great post-card shot.

  5. This is beautiful, Dave. If you can use it today and not store it up for the August "postcard-worthy" theme day, I can hardly wait to visit your blog on August 1.

  6. This is so Costa Rica! Wish I was there now.
