Saturday, July 9, 2011

Volcanic reef

A few days ago I showed a photo of the reef of volcanic rock that is exposed at San Francisco Point at low tide. The texture, color and patterns of the surface vary in this area.

This photo is a small sample of the walking surface that allows us to walk at water level around the point that divides Tamarindo Beach from Playa Langosta. At high tide, the waves crash over this point and it is necessary to take a short trail to bypass the point.

We are showing photos of Chicago this week on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. this image is awe-inspiring. thanks, dave.

  2. I remember there being a lot of volcanic reefs in that area.

  3. I want to rub my toes on that volcanic rock!

    BTW, I couldn't get into comments on both Julie's Scottsdale CDP blog AND you Viva la Voyage blog! Weird - I can't figure out why??? Please greet Julie from me since she can't get comments from me....

  4. Volcanic pavement? Wonderful image!

  5. Great shapes and textures. Well spotted, Dave.

  6. Beautiful and unusual sight; at least around our part of the world.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  7. Excuse me for a moment, Dave. I'm going to get my sandals.
