Yesterday's photo showed a sign saying not to take shells from the beach. So, here is a photo of some of the shells on the beach. This random pattern shows the different stages of the deterioration of shells. I don't know why, but some of the shells on our each commonly lose their center section and develop holes in the center that gradually become larger, leaving only a ring.
This week we have photos of the fall colors of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia on our
Viva la Voyage travel photo site.
An interesting evolution.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment on my site. Both David and I had a wonderful time last Friday night at your house. We always enjoy visiting at your house.
Arranged well for full effect!
ReplyDeleteToo tempting to pick up!!
ReplyDeleteWell, don't look to me to explain it!!!
ReplyDeleteSo tempting.
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone care if people took shells? Are there a scarcity of the things? One of the joys we had when we first moved to Florida was to collect various kinds of shells. Now we pretty much ignore them!
ReplyDeletehappens to the shells on our beaches too!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting evolution, and beautiful!