Saturday, August 16, 2014

Roseatte spoonbills in the high branches of a tree

Trips down Costa Rican rivers reveal lots of birds who take advantage of the riparian habitats.  Rosaette spoonbills are easy to spot, even when perched near the top of a distant tree, because of the round shape of their bills and their pink coloration.

This week we have photos of Punahka, Bhutan, posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. You captured a lovely looking sky!

  2. I saw some of these when I was there.

  3. Wow that tree is full of birds!

  4. Very cool, Dave. Roseate spoonbills are a real treat to come across. I have never seen them swarm in a tree like this. I get excited just to see two or three at a time.
