Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tamarindo taxi stand

Tamarindo is a small resort town.  Because most people in town are tourists, it does have taxis, although the average taxi ride is probably about two or three minutes long.

There are always taxis at an improvised taxi stand in the center of town.  I have never taken a taxi in Tamarindo, as we usually walk everywhere in town, and we have a car for longer strips out to the supermarket, which is the one place in town that is not within walking distance.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of Bhutan, featuring some of its temples.


  1. I wonder how much business they get. I wouldn't want to take a taxi if I could walk.

  2. The famous shopping plaza where you go to pay your departure tax. I've never seen New York-style yellow taxis in Tamarindo before. Frankly, they have been pretty ramshackle. The drivers must be trying to improve their image.

  3. Yellow must be the color for cabs in many places. I would prefer to walk there myself.

  4. It couldn't be a very lucrative business for the locals.

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