Sunday, November 16, 2008


I normally do not post photos of bugs or insects, as I surmise that many people, such as my wife, would find them creepy and repulsive. Butterflies are an exception, of course, as people are attracted to their beauty. I will make another exception for this caterpillar, however, due to its distinctive color and patterns.


Fredrik said...

Nasty, but I love the colours!
A friend of mine spent his vacation on Costa Rica and took a lot of nice pictures.

Sharon said...

This is a colorful little fellow. I hope he isn't poisonous like the one we saw on the hiking adventure we took.

Hilda said...

Bugs creep me out but I also find them infinitely fascinating! Go post them as you find them. This one is very interesting. Fantastic shot too! said...

Thank you for sharing the link to your friend's Costa Rica photos. They are great. It looks like he had a wonderful vacation.

You should check out the link for JM, one of the people listed in the followers section of this blog, and click on his travel site. He also has excellent photos from a trip to Costa Rica. His sloth photo is the best I have ever seen.

Since you are from Sweden and JM is from Portugal, I might mention that the Costa Rica tourist authorities are making a big push to try to increase tourism from Europe due to the economic conditions in the US, the source of the vast majority of tourists.

I should also mention that I had a delightful visit to Sweden a few years ago. My late mother's grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from Sweden a little over 100 years ago, settling in Worcester, Massachusetts, a town that at that time had a Swedish language newspaper.

Saretta said...

Very pretty! Don't be shy about posting insect photos...they are creepy in person perhaps, but so interesting to study in a photo!

Jilly said...

What a beautiful caterpillar. Tell your lovely wife to have an extra glass of pink champagne in Eze and she'll not notice the creepy crawlies!

humanobserver said...

OMG ! So scary !

Anonymous said...

Informaes adicionais: MaxBlock chega ao mercado brasileiro e promete mudar completamente
tudo que sabemos sobre dietas e emagrecimento. Com slo algunas opciones
que usted puede tenerlas como aperitivos bajos en caloras y naturales. Na kalorijo ima perder peso y las pldoras
de dieta no son el camino a seguir. Sigue leyendo para aprender ms, y tener cuidado
con esas pldoras de dieta que estn disponibles.

Paso # 2: Decide qu lquidos puedes beberEn una dieta
lquida rpida, se supone que son bajos en caloras, tambin son muy nutritivos.
Adems, elije granos enteros sobre los carbohidratos refinados.
Bajar de Peso Tambin cada
vez que quiera un bocadillo elija frutas frescas para tu dieta.
Estos son saludables y contienen mucha fibra, ayudando as tambin a frenar el
consumo de caloras.

Si no cumples con tu necesidad diaria de nutricin,
puede llegar a estr dbil, cansado, agitado, tu meta para perder peso en est dieta?
Definitivamente debes tener un objetivo en mente. Bajar de Peso Los
siguiente que debes averiguar es cunto tiempo es recomendable seguir
la dieta una dieta de jugo de limn no debe dieta liquida rpida.

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