Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

An archeological mystery of Costa Rica is the large stone balls that were created from 200 BC to 800 AD.  They range in size up to 2 meters and can weigh 16 tons (15,000 kg.).  If you remember the opening scene of the first Indiana Jones movie, you might remember Harrison Ford running away from one of these balls rolling towards him in the jungle.

There are at least 300 of these balls that are known, including several in the National Museum in San Jose, and two are on display in the United States, one at the National Geographic Society in Washington and another at the Peabody Museum at Harvard University.

The stones came to public attention in the 1940's after United Fruit Company uncovered a bunch of them in their agricultural activities.  They were made from a very hard stone, called granodiorite.  Amazingly, they were transported from the quarry location to places as far as 50 miles away.

This stone is in front of some shops on the circle in the middle of Tamarindo.  The stones have been scattered around the country, with some rich people using them for lawn ornaments.  There is another in Tamarindo near the beachfront restaurant at the Tamarindo Diria Resort.   Before I noticed them right in town, the only one I had seen is at the entrance to the International Airport in Liberia.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week we are posting photos from Tanzania, Africa.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very interesting story !

Sharon said...

Amazing. I love a mystery like this.

Unknown said...

I've heard of these stones but didn't get to see any when I visited Costa Rica. Glad you posted one of them, Dave.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fascinating Dave, where on earth did they come from I wonder and it must take quite some doing transporting them to these various locations.
p.s. I must admit I wasn't too sad about George Michael, and it's so good of Elton John, he was booked in for the night after and now he will do two nights, cancelling a gig somewhere else just so that he can do it..that's nice!

Judy said...

Wow! Strange!

Jack said...

Is there a theory? I sure can't explain it.

Anonymous said...

How impressive !

Please have you all a good new month.

Bob Crowe said...

I remember seeing a couple of these once and thought they were quite amazing. Some years ago we were staying in an eco-resort in Drake Bay and went to an island offshore that had some.

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