This view from an airliner window during the approach to the Liberia airport shows the ocean in the distance, and flooded fields in the foreground. My guess is that these are rice paddies, as it appears that there are short plants growing up through the water in the foreground, but not in the center, as the water there reflects the clouds smoothly.
Update on border dispute with Nicaragua: Several days ago I did a post about a border dispute with Nicaragua. Jack of Hartford Daily Photo asked a very good question and others left comments asking for updates. There is significant news. The International Court of Justice in the Hague has issued a provisional ruling until the Court issues its final decision, which could be months or years. In the meantime, Nicaragua must vacate the island that is claimed by both countries and the only persons allowed on the island will be Costa Rican environmental personnel. Nicaragua may continue to do dredging in the river, however.
Costa Rican government officials declared the decision a victory and said that the Court showed that countries such as Costa Rica that have chosen not to have an army may obtain justice and solve disputes peacefully, without armed conflict with neighbors who have armed forces. Nicaragua also claimed that the ruling favored them because they can continue dredging activities in the river, which Costa Rica says is causing environmental damage to the river that is the border. Importantly, both countries say they will abide by the decision.
To address Jack's questions, none of the articles that I have read has suggested that there is anything particularly valuable about the island in dispute. Nicaragua has alleged that it is dredging the river for navigational purposes, and Costa Rica has asserted that Nicaragua has caused environmental damage and has invaded Costa Rica by sending its soldiers to the island.
I had been away for two weeks in Spain with my family until this weekend, so I had done my previous post in advance before I left, and just caught up with his news that happened last week. We had a delightful dinner with Rob and Mandy of
Barcelona Daily Photo while we were in Spain, as they showed and described on their post a week ago Sunday.
Today is Sunday, so we have new photos on our
Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week we are showing more of the stunning scenery of Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia, near the southern tip of Chile.