Sunday, November 8, 2009

On the 7th day, we rest

Today is Sunday, and for many people that is a day of rest. What better place to rest than on a hammock, in the shade, next to the ocean.

I took this photo on the grounds of the Capitan Suizo hotel. The southern end of Tamarindo beach and bay are in the background, with San Francisco point in the distance. Langosta beach is around the corner to the left.

Today is Sunday, so we have posted new photos on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week, we are taking you to one of our favorite cities -- Venice, Italy.


brattcat said...

Ah, this hammock makes me a little envious. No hammock swinging for us, not until next May or June.

Sharon said...

This looks like a good place to relax and read a book....or just take a nap.

Hilda said...

I would love to be there right now. Beautiful.

Julie said...

this looks so perfect for a Sunday afternoon. A good book and a hammock, Ahhhh!

Gunn said...

That IS the place to relax! Lucky people you are! Enjoy.

glenda said...

What a beautiful place to take a rest and just enjoy the view.

Lowell said...

I like hammocks, but I usually hurt myself getting in and out of them and then have to take to a real bed to heal! ;-)

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

To me, the perfect vacation picture!

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