Here is another rural, pastoral scene. These horses are grazing next to a football or soccer field. It looks like the horses are free to graze on the football field. While that could be useful in keeping the grass cut, I hope someone cleans up after the horses before the children start playing.
Our photos this week on
Viva la Voyage show Xcaret, an eco-park with a dinner show extravaganza on the Riviera Maya south of Cancun, Mexico.
The folds and rises of this land are so beautiful.
I can't get over how lush it looks and how long and deep the grass is. It makes a beautiful photo.
so serenee and such green luscious hills
With all that lovely geen grass to eat, you would think the horses would be quite fat! What a beautiful scene.
I am behind on my blog viewing, but had to comment on the surfer girl and dogs. Happy ending to a great day at the beach love the photo of the girl and dog making their way home. The tico farming info is interesting and I know their coffee is the best from Costa Rica. Hope they clean up for the soccer crowd but they probable are aware of possible hazards.
I will never forget the yucca fences on the lovely mountain 'haciendas'.
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