My mother-in-law does yoga whenever she can, which is not as often as she would like because she cares for her mother, who lives with her. My wife does yoga occasionally, usually when we are on vacation.
I have done yoga once. My wife assured me that there would be men there and I would not feel out of place. Well, there was a room full of 20 - 30 women and no men, and they were all a lot better than me, as I have an old tennis injury that prevents me from standing on my left leg.
The only part of yoga I could do well was when they told us to lie down and relax. This session was after a long day at work, and I fell asleep. My wife was mortified and utterly unpersuaded by my protestations that the instructor said to relax, and that is exactly what I did. She has never again asked me to go to yoga with her.
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You and I would be good yoga partners. Never have been able to appreciate an activity that others seem to adore and from which they receive huge physical benefits.
The house looks inviting, but the activity...???
such a pleasant spot for yoga. anytime you can do yoga while seeing and hearing the waves on the beach is a wonderful day
That was a funny tale about your yoga class! It does look like a perfect spot for it though.
This does look like a great place for a relaxing yoga class. You should be proud of your ability to relax to the point of sleep. This is really difficult for some to get into the relaxed mode.
wonderful place for anything!!
The place is really suitable to a person who really wants to feel at peace. Enjoy being healthy with learning yoga. :)
Haha, well, relaxation like that is a great way to end a session of hard work. Perhaps doing yoga solo would be much better for you. Doing it alone can help pace you, and soon enough, you can be comfortable doing it in a crowd. After all, in the end, one of the aims of yoga is to be comfortable with the practice, even when you're among a crowd.
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