Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Camouflaged crab

This close-up photo of a crab shows how well camouflaged it is. His pattern is spotted in the same shade as the sand. Even his eyeballs blend in with the surroundings. Can you spot them, protruding above his shell?

This crab was on Langosta Beach near the mouth of the Langosta estuary. The variation between salt and fresh water at this location makes it

We are showing photos of Chicago this week on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


Kate said...

The camouflage is perfect! Love the photo ... another good image and lesson as a result of blogging. Thanks!

brattcat said...

excellent, dave.

Sharon said...

This must have been hard to spot. It blends in so well with the sand.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

super cool

Judy said...

Great way to hide but I would bet they get stepped on a lot. It's adorable looking.

Unknown said...

Fantastic mimetism! Well spotted, David.

Jack said...

T%he things we learn here in blogland! He sure is well disguised. I think he was intended to live in exactly that neighborhood.

irinapictures said...

Perfect eye!

Tim said...

Wow! One could step on that crab without knowing it till it happened!

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