Thursday, July 19, 2012


On our little hike through the mangroves we saw lots of crabs, including this frontal angle that shows that the polka dotted crabs have colorful red front claws.  Maybe they are not so ugly, after all.

This week we have photos of ancient Khmer temples of Cambodia on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


brattcat said...

certainly not if we judge by this image.

Judy said...

No, still ugly.

Kate said...

When I saw this image, my mind wandered (as it usually does), and I wondered where the expression originated about people being ''crabby." Couldn't find any info, despite a very short search on the internet, but I found this bit of advice: “Walk straight, my son - as the old crab said to the young crab.”
Irish Proverb quotes

Kate said...

Probably of no interest to anyone, except me:

Our English word “crab” comes from the Old English “crabba,” itself from a Germanic root meaning “to scratch or claw,” which is, after all, pretty much the crab’s entire repertoire right there. Our modern “crabby,” meaning “cross, irritable, cranky” is fairly recent (as such things are measured), dating to the late 18th century. “Crabby,” however, was a derivative of an earlier term, “crabbed,” which appeared with the same meaning back in the 14th century.

In both “crabby” and “crabbed,” the analogy is to a crab’s tendency to painfully nip with its claws and tenaciously hold on, as well as its tendency to walk backwards and sideways, making it an excellent metaphor for a difficult, uncooperative person. (This, of course, is not entirely fair to crabs, many of which probably have wonderful personalities and, should they one day take over the planet, will no doubt remember I said that.) One of the more popular uses of “crabby” in this sense in recent years was in the Peanuts comic strip, in which Lucy van Pelt was routinely described as “crabby.”

Sharon said...

they certainly are a colorful species.

glenda said...

The teacher in me loves Kates info. I understand the placement of the eyes but they seem a little creepy.

Jack said...

Not so ugly, after all? Dave, I know you are careful not to offend anyone, but seriously, these guys are the pits!

Bob Crowe said...

Interesting. There has to be an evolutionary advantage to the coloration. The camouflage seems obvious but I can't figure out the claws.

Rob Siemann said...

He's a beauty!

Suzie said...

Don't little crabs always look like they are walking sideways? I love watching them. I can't remember the type of crab but when I was living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, there is a time of year when these little red crabs seem to invade everything! People near the shore get them in their houses even! Yuk!

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